
Full Body

The fountain of youth demands movement

Reduced Joint Flexibility and Mobility: Lack of exercise contributes to joint stiffness and reduced flexibility, limiting the range of motion. This decline in mobility can compromise balance and coordination, elevating the likelihood of accidents and injuries among older adults.

You’re younger than you imagine!

Just ask 63-year-old celebrity trainer Tony Horton. Horton says staying fit and active is simpler than you think. “It’s a method anyone can do that takes about one or two minutes.”

Almost everyone begins experiencing some degree of age-related muscle loss, starting between ages 40-50 (the scientific term for this phenomenon is sarcopenia).

On average, people lose about 0.5%-1% of muscle mass each year. While that may sound minor, it can add up over years and decades.

Health experts have long believed age-related muscle loss is an inevitable aspect of getting older, with exercise being the only way to slow it down.

But Tony Horton says he’s found a much more effective way to fight age-related muscle loss – and even build new muscle – that has nothing to do with exercise.

“This came as quite a shock to me because I’m the biggest workout guy on the planet,” said the man who has trained Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and Stevie Nicks, to name a few of his celebrity clients.

“But the results are undeniable. Using my method, it is now possible to, at the very least, slow down age-related muscle loss. In the best-case scenario, you get into the best shape of your life.”

The results have been so remarkable that Horton is now the subject of a short documentary detailing exactly how his body-strengthening method works. It is online and free to view.

Click here to watch the presentation’

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